The Washington State Department of Ecology Toxics Cleanup Program announced two voluntary cleanups are taking place in Clallam County. The Site Register is published every two weeks to inform you about public comment periods, public meetings, hearings, and other information related to the study and cleanup of hazardous waste sites under the Model Toxics Control Act, Chapter 70.105D RCW.
If you have questions or want to be added to the mailing list (electronic or paper) for the Site Register, contact Linda Thompson at 360/407-6069 or e-mail
Under Ecology’s Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP), a property owner cleaning up a contaminated site pays a fee for Ecology review. When a cleanup is determined to be sufficient, Ecology issues a no further action decision. The two sites which joined the program in Clallam County are
Fairweather Subdivision,
9999 Fair Weather Dr, Sequim
Facility Site ID # 9943161 - Submitted 8/20/07.
Report received: Remedial Investigation Report.
Site status: Completed opinion letter.
Truck Town
1921 Hwy 101, 1921 Hwy 101 W, Port Angeles
Facility Site ID # 61984337 - Submitted 8/13/07.
Report received: Remedial Investigation Report.
Site status: Independent remedial action in process.
For information about the VCP program, contact: Chuck Cline, 360/407-6267 or e-mail
Friday, September 14, 2007
Two Cleanups Underway in Clallam County
Posted by
Sam Nugent
9:17 AM