It's commendable that you've cleaned up Grandpa's old workshop by taking those nasty solvents, leftover paint buckets, half empty bug sprays and used motor oil to the proper disposal/recycling facilities. Now the question remains, what's left underneath the storage area? Lets face it, storing chemicals in damp garages, crawlspaces, and drafty workshops is a convenient and common household practice. But over the years, it can become a real problem if any of those dangerous substances have leaked or spilled. When cleaning up an area that has been used for storage of household hazardous material, be sure to look for signs of staining or standing liquids, and pay attention to odors. If you suspect anything , it's a good idea to have it checked by someone who knows how to deal with it safely.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Post Hazardous Waste Roundup - Leave anything behind?
Posted by
Sam Nugent
8:36 AM